Monday, April 29, 2013

Chapter Three: One step forward & Two steps back

*Adult Situation and Content inside, reader be warned. 
Two weeks later...

Miranda was on a mission, today she'd open the book she closed so long ago. She was going to find information on her family members she never knew. Unfortunately, her mother distanced herself from her family as well as her father's side but it was the 21st century, how hard could it be to track them down? Miranda wondered why her mother kept her hidden away like that? She shook the thought from her head and fastened the button on her pants while Joshua made up the bed.

Joshua: "Babe where are you headed so early?" He asked.
Miranda: "Just downtown I have some stuff to do.." She replied.
Joshua: "Like?" He inquired further. Miranda rolled her eyes to herself. When she didn't answer he walked over to her side. Before he could open his mouth, she closed it with a kiss and headed out of the door.
Miranda wasn't sure of what she would find but she hoped it was something helpful. She hopped into her limo and was driven to City Hall. Upon arrival, she walked inside and approached the first employee she laid eyes on.

Miranda: "Excuse me sir, could you help me?" She asked. He walked over to her and nodded.
Miranda: "I need help." She said.
Employee: "Okay with what?" He asked looking annoyed. 
Miranda: "Well my name is Miranda Griffin and I am trying to find some information on my family. You see my mother died and I don't know anyone else.." She tried to explain.
Please help me she thought. I don't know where else to go. 
Employee: "Ma'am I'm afraid I can't be much of help to you." He said.
Miranda: "But this is City Hall don't you have records or something?" She pleaded. He shook his head and apologized once more. Miranda furrowed her brows and looked defeated.
Miranda: "Okay I understand". She said in a small child-like voice. She turned to walk out and heard a voice whisper her name. She jerked around in the direction of the whisper.

"Sky" It called.
"Who's there?" She said and spun around. A man dressed in black with gray hair approached her. She eye'd him suspiciously. 
Miranda: "How do you know my name?" She asked stupidly. of course he'd know my name but what does he want? She thought.
Stranger: "I can help you." He replied simply.
Miranda: "I'm sorry with?" She asked feeling confused.
Stranger: "I overheard you inside. I could help you get the answers you're looking for." He explained.
Miranda: "Look mister I don't know who you are or what you're up to but I really need to go." She said. This guy must be crazy she thought
Stranger: "Ma'am this is a bit odd but I promise I can help. I just need you to trust me." He said.
Miranda: "Okay let's say I did trust you, what's in this for you? Are you going to black-mail me or something? or make me pay you loads of money?" She asked feeling suspicious. It was no way he was doing this out of the kindness of his heart, right?
Stranger: "No and No. I'm just doing my job. It's what I do, find people. While Miranda continued to question this strange man's loyalty and his intentions, Mimi had just finished her shift at the restaurant. 

Back at Home..

Mimi was so stressed after the long day she had. She came in to find Joshua sipping on a wine cooler and grabbed one herself.
Joshua noticed Mimi had come home and continued to sip on his wine cooler. 
Joshua: "Long day at work?" He asked in between sips.
Mimi: "Very, the new executive chef can't cook to save her life." She replied.
Joshua: "How did she get the job then?" He asked.
Mimi: "She's the bosses kid." She replied. Joshua shook his head and chuckled. 
Mimi: "What about you? You look like shit." She said and gave him a sorry look.
Joshua: "I kinda feel like it. Miranda has been so distant. I thought we had gotten passed that." He confessed and shook his head again. Mimi felt bad for him.
Mimi: "I know how you feel. Me and Issac broke up." She said.
Joshua: "Sorry to hear that." He said. She nodded and they clinked bottles with each other and toasted. After a couple dozen wine coolers the two were drunk off their asses. Who knew wine-coolers were so strong? The two had shed their clothes and found themselves in each other's arms. Alcohol and loneliness can be a deadly combination. In their drunkenness they weren't aware of their actions. They didn't yet think of the consequences that would come. 

Joshua picked her up in his arms and began to carry Mimi into her bedroom. The bedroom she once shared with Issac. 
Mimi threw her head back and giggled. Joshua gazed down with lust in his eyes and began walking towards the bedroom. Once there the both of them shredded the rest of their clothing and began to advance towards each other. They kissed. They caressed. They licked. They sucked. They had sex. And when all was said and done they collapsed and drifted off to sleep. Three hours later they began to stir. Joshua was the first to wake and the first to realized what  had taken place. Regret quickly filled him. What had he done? One mistake and his life would spin out of control. Sure he had been lonely but that was no excuse for what he had done, for what they had done and with her best friend no less. Mimi woken up soon afterwards and glanced towards Joshua who had began to weep. 

Mimi: "Oh no, oh God.." She gasped.

Back to Miranda

Miranda had decided to accept the friendly strangers help. He had given her his card and she gave him her number as well. She felt a little odd, okay very odd but what choice did she have? She was desperate and she needed this over so she could move on with her wedding plans and in life general. She needed closure and she deserved to do that with her family. On her way home, the phone rung in her pocket. She picked it up and answered it. It was him already.

Miranda: "Yes?" She said.
Stranger: "I've found something." Miranda sighed deeply and felt as if her heart just dropped. Was she ready to find out so soon? Would she like the information? 


  1. Hello, I just somehow by accident came across your story today. Wanted to let you know I think it is quite interesting, and it has caught my attention. Looking forward to seeing how this all turns out between Miranda and everyone else.

  2. Thank you for reading! And I have to fix somethings before I can continue with it. Mimi aged up into an elder so I may have to re-create her even though she was a already made sim in my game. I may just write her out some way though. I should update soon!

  3. Oh no, how could they do that to Miranda, that's unforgivable. I cannot imagine how she'll feel when she finds out. So sad for her.

  4. They were really lonely, desperate and drunk but you're right it was totally unforgivable. Thanks for reading :)

  5. She should get an membership. hehe. :)

    Er, yeah, famous woman that looks like she needs help. HEEELLLOOOO Mr. Stalker!

    Oh. Holy. Crap.
    You flipping idiots!!!!!!

    I wonder what Mr. Stalker-detective found.

  6. Lol I don't know why that never crossed her mind! I love your response to the "detective", but I think Miranda was just so desperate she didn't care how she got her answers.

  7. Oh wow, Mimi did her girl's man! Trouble!!!

    1. Yes she did. It was an mistake, but sadly it still happened. Thanks for reading :)
