Saturday, September 14, 2013

Chapter Nineteen: Doesn't hurt to try

Mimi's POV

Remind me again why I agreed to this. Why on earth did I pick up the phone let alone accept her invitation. Because she's your mother and she still scares the crap out of you. I had finally made my way to the park and spotted my mother sitting near a tree alone. Who else would be with her? I waddled my way over to her.

"Dear you made it." My mother said as I took my seat. Of course I did, if I had declined I was sure she'd drag me out of my house against my will. She's proven no matter what my age or me being pregnant she'd still put her hands on me.
"Yes mother. I hope I'm not too late." I responded. She shot me a fake smile. I didn't know what she was up to and that concerned me.

"Mom you said this was important. Not to be disrespectful, but what is it?" I inquired. I threw that in there to not set off her temper. She sat there for a moment and didn't answer my question right away.
"Well Mimi..I wanted to apologize for my actions." She started off. Apolo-what?! My mother has never apologized to me and I wouldn't be surprise if I was the first person to receive the honor.
"You have nothing to be sorry about mom." I said.
"Yes I do." My mother replied. She took a deep breath before she went on. This was clearly taking a lot of effort. "I love you Mimi and I've always wanted the best for you. You're my only child." She said. My mother sighed and a smile crept across her face. It actually looked genuine. "I want to see you happy, have a family, a real family. It hurts my heart to see you settling." She finished.

I knew it was too good to be true. I knew she couldn't say all of these things without an ulterior motive.
"Mother I'm not settling. I'm just trying to do the best I can in this situation." I explained. Why do I have to repeat myself like a broken record? Why couldn't she just accept things for what they were?!
"I know that's what you believe, maybe it's what he told you, but Mimi you deserve better. You deserve a husband to be there with you through all of this. Don't you think so?" My mother asked. I hated to admit it, but she had a point or her convincing was starting to work.
"Yes." I admitted.
"Then why aren't you trying?" My mother prodded. "And if you are trying, try harder."
"Mom.." I started to cut in.
"Let me finish. I mean think about it baby, he has made the first step already."  I gave her a puzzled look. What first step? I thought.
"He moved in with you." My mother answered as if she read my mind.

Because he had no where else to go! I wanted to scream, but I kept it to myself.
"How did you know?" I asked instead.
"It's obvious. He walked in like he had been doing it for a while. Mommy isn't a fool." She answered. I just nodded along.
"Just think about what I said. I have to go now." My mom said.

I stood to bid my mother goodbye. I took it she was leaving for good this time and going back home. She bent down to talk to my growing belly. It was odd, being maternal wasn't her thing.

"Hey there little angel." She spoke to my stomach. "Don't you think mommy and daddy should be together? Wouldn't you like that? Hmm?" She asked and started to rub my stomach. As if the baby wanted to respond, it kicked. I have to say this shocked me. Even if the baby heard her, certainly it didn't understand. I shook it off and pulled her into a hug.
"Bye mother." I said. She gave me a gentle pat on the back before we broke away from one another.
"I love you." My mother said. She was full of surprises today.
"I love you too mom." I replied.

Later that day

Joshua's POV

I know Matt didn't understand why I rushed away like that. Truth be told, I barely understood myself. I just knew I suddenly wanted to go back home, home to her. Mimi. I changed my brisk walk into a jog. My legs weren't moving fast enough. Soon I saw the house in view and I urged my legs to move faster.

Now that I was mere seconds away from entering the house, I suddenly felt unsure of myself. What the hell was I about to say? How would she react? respond? Was I ready for it?

I took a deep breath and walked into the living room. She was on the couch reading a book, a cookbook. I wonder if she was planning on cooking something special tonight. Or maybe I was reading too much into it.
I made my way over to her as she turned the page.
"Hello." She greeted without looking up.
"Hi." I replied and took my seat.

Mimi must have known I wanted to talk because she put the book down. We both sat there just looking at one another. I tried to read her face, but she just looked confused.
"So..what were you reading?" I asked lamely.
"A cookbook, just keeping skills sharp I guess." She responded. Her eyes lit up when she said that. She missed working in the restaurant. I nodded.
"You want to go somewhere? It's really nice outside and I don't feel like being stuck in the house all day." I asked. She looked alarm. She didn't leave the house unless she had to. Before she could protest, I interjected.
"Please, don't make me go alone." I begged. That worked. I could see her reconsidering.
"Okay." She replied. Yes! I celebrated inside my head. I smiled at her. She smiled back before retreating back into her bedroom to get ready.

I choose a club, not because I wanted to drink or dance, but because it has a arcade inside. Mimi seemed reluctant at first, but finally caved. We both agreed to play pool. She said it was her first time, but I couldn't tell. She sure was better than me. But then again I was pretty inexperienced myself. It wasn't long before she grew tired and wanted to sit down. I escorted her to a nearby room and sat down with her.

"You were kicking my butt" I commented. She laughed.
"Sorry." She joked.
"I have been meaning to talk to you." I said taking a serious approach.
"Oh?" She asked. I nodded.

"My boss came through and helped me find a new job." I announced. Her mouth spread into a wide smile.
"That is awesome Joshua! I'm happy for you." She said and gave me a pat on the shoulder.
"Thank you, but this isn't just good news for me. It's for us, our family." I replied. She looked unsure of what to say, so I continued.
"I mean it Mimi. We're in this together." I said. I slowly reached down and squeezed her hand gently. I thought she'd pull away but instead she gave me a small squeeze back.
"How was the appointment?" I asked.
"Oh it went well." She answered and rubbed her belly. She was getting bigger now and had a bump. I wish I could reach over and rub her growing belly as well, but I refrained from doing so.
"Great."I said. She looked away. I didn't know why. Was the conversation making her uncomfortable? I hoped not.

"Mimi I have been meaning to say thanks for letting me stay with you." I said trying to shift the conversation. She waved off my thank you and just smiled.
"It's no big deal." She said. "And now you can get your own place so you won't have to sleep on that tiny sofa." She said. Is that what changed? She was worried I'd leave since I was starting a new job.
"Oh no Mimi. I wasn't planning on leaving. Well not alone anyways." I said.
"What  do you mean?" She questioned.
"I would like my own place, when I save up the cash, but I'd like you to come with me." I explained.
"Why?" She asked.
"I'd like to support us. It is a man's job after all." I answered. She looked away again.
"I'll be okay. After the baby is born, I'll find something." She said.
"Mimi why won't you let me help?" I inquired. I was starting to feel frustrated.
"You don't have to do don't need to do this." She said. I reached over and held her chin; I turned her to face me.
"Are you scared?" I asked. She nodded.
"You don't have to be. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." I reassured her.
"It's getting late." She stated. I glanced at my phone to check the time. She was right, so we prepared to return home.

After I parked the car in the driveway, I went to open the door for Mimi and helped her out. We started to make our way inside when I felt her hand slip into mines. I held her hand a little firmer as we walked up the stairs. Maybe it was innocent. Maybe it was an accident.

We walked inside and I closed the door behind us. I don't know why but I suddenly had the urge to touch her again. And not just her hand. I pulled her back to me and hugged her from behind. She gasped at first, but she returned the favor by placing her hands over mines. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the closeness.

*So I made up my mind lol. This was longer than I intended it to be. It would be even longer, had my game not froze after the last picture. Miranda was also suppose to be in this chapter, but I couldn't figure where to fit her in. I'm still thinking of how to go about her next step with finding her family so I finished up with these two :) At least for now.


  1. "Apolo-what" LOL
    uh oh that's not a real apology methinks
    It's like some spell's been cast.

    I can understand Mimi's hesitance. Sure, it's easy for men to say they'll stick it out before the baby's born, but it sometimes happens that they bolt. Oh, I know Joshua won't be one of those, but I understand her worries.

    Better be 'at least for now'! I'm as curious about these two as I am for Miranda and her family. :)

    1. Lol and you're right, it was fake. It was Summer's way of manipulating her daughter. She just can't accept her grandchild being brought into the world out of wedlock. So she's trying to plant seeds in Mimi's head.

      Joshua is a good guy (for the most part) so he'll stick around :)

      Lol I couldn't just end their story there. We'll see more into Miranda's family soon. Thanks for reading :)
